Monthly Archives: April 2014

Let’s Get Real

about Food! I had another blog that highlighted the healthy things in life and had a huge emphasis on the paleo lifestyle, which is great and all, but I honestly live that way only about 65% of the time. I found myself feeling I needed to hide the way I was really eating. I am too much of a foodie and love to splurge and enjoy the awesome food that is around my area in Long Beach. Food is meant to be enjoyed–the healthy stuff, as well as the stuff that makes you feel a bit guilty. Moderation babes. Take it from Aristotle! It is time to highlight the amazing cuisine that is evolving in my backyard. Don’t worry. I am a cheap date. So let’s have a cheat day together.

Let’s start this off slow. How about a cup of coffee or tea at “Roasted Notz?”  The owner, Randy Woodside, did good. Bravo! This relatively new (November 2013) coffeehouse on 4th street pumps feel-good tunes out of an old-school Marantz. There is even a turntable that features vintage LPs from a local record store Dizzy on Vinyl. If that isn’t good enough for you then take a shot at the piano that is just yelling to get played by someone caffeinated enough. I dare you. Let’s not leave out the cute little succulents, board games, and adorable Buddha over the entrance. I have to look away when I drive past this place sometimes otherwise I would never make it anywhere. This place slows you down and you catch yourself really enjoying the moment. Grab a beverage and accompany it with one of their amazing homemade sandwiches served on a fresh baguette or bagel. Then take a seat and just suck it all in. You won’t regret it.

the Renzo


Meet “the Renzo.” Shaved prosciutto, mozzarella, sun-dried tomato and basil pesto on a fresh baguette. If this is something you can’t enjoy then stop reading my blog now. I have an affinity for things with a European flair…and I also love succulents.


Welcome to the Chophaus.

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