

Emily Mumper

This 20 something-or-other has circumnavigated the globe, trying wild cuisine and exploring the world on a budget. She knows that good food doesn’t have to come at a high price and is often found in your own backyard. She is taking the streets of her hometown, Long Beach, to get the down and dirty on some of your local favorites…and she knows dirty. Eating clean and training hard 5 days a week justifies some epic cheat days best served with a bubbly mimosa and a heaping bowl of  mac n’ cheese topped with flaming hot cheetos and candied bacon (please refer to Attic’s First Chop). Let’s eat like fat kids (in moderation of course)!



How it works: Every spot gets a 3-Chop Policy. This means nobody gets a “bad first impression” and everyone gets a fair share of chances. Real Talk. Long Beach and local businesses have a special spot in my heart and I am here to support all of you, but sometimes the truth hurts! I will do my best to keep it clean and simple. Cheers 🙂

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