Tag Archives: retrorow

The Social List: 2nd Chop


Patatas Bravas

Where: Fourth Streets Retro Row; 2105 E 4th St Long Beach, Ca

Grub: “Old World European Tavern Food” Tapas-style

Visiting Hours: Lunch & Din Din

My Plates: Frisee Salad, Toast, the LBC, Patatas Bravas, Liquid Gold, Persimmon Cobbler

Website: http://thesociallistlb.com

IG: thesociallistlb

When you go on a date do you usually just give the other person one shot? Or if there aren’t any major red flags and there was something that caught your eye even a bit wouldn’t you give it another try? A lot of people deserve a second chance…so do restaurants. That is why I decided one time at a spot isn’t enough–hence my 3 chop policy. Sometimes things just need a bit of warming up. There are so many variables that come into play upon a first meeting that can sabotage the experience. Over time, if management is doing its job and play their cards right, these variables start to dissolve and the dining experience is perfected and becomes more consistent. I am happy to say that the Social List is not the same place I visited before. It is starting to develop a soul and culture…and the food is pretty damn incredible.


Frisee Salad

Frisee salad with burrata, pomegranate seeds and persimmon. This has to be one of my favorite salads of all time. Burrata is mozzarella injected with cream heaven that I want to put all over everything. The bitterness of the frisee with the sweetness of the light dressing, persimmon and seeds is just perfect. There is no doubt that I will order this salad every time I go back to the Social List. Well-done. So simple, and yet so perfect…every ingredient just makes sense–that is a hard thing to do!



The Social List knows how to do toast…whether it be the Catalan Toast, the Pea Toast or this beauty–garlic toast with goat cheese, butternut squash and green onion. Another lovely medley of flavors that just works brilliantly. I would eat this every day for a snack or breakfast if I could. It really takes me back to when I lived in Germany and lived off of stuff like this. Simple and does the trick…next time I am definitely adding the prosciutto to take it to the next level. Pig makes everything better…we all know that is a fact.



A little piece of Long Beach heaven on a California chopping block. it is hard to take pictures of burgers and sandwiches and this photo definitely doesn’t do this one justice. I am not a vegetarian (I once was for 4 years), but this makes me consider changing back to my old ways. This is honestly the best veggie burger option I have ever had. I hate concoctions trying to disguise themselves as meat…why do that when you can own the beauty of the ingredients for what they are? The portobello mushroom is grilled and packed with cheese and artichoke…then it is smothered in homemade pesto, topped with lettuce and served on a very fresh ciabatta bun. Next time I am adding avocado and bacon, but I had to try it the original way first. This thing is insane and a must!


Patatas Bravas

Lightly fried potatoes covered with aioli, spicy sauce and fresh dill. These are just a staple. I liked them as much this time around as I did the first. I don’t need to repeat myself.


Liquid Gold

Another staple and the dessert I will forever bestow loyalty to. I don’t need to repeat myself on this one either. It makes sense this time around as much as it did the first.


Persimmon Cobbler

It is a hard position to be in, going up against the liquid gold, so don’t take it too personally when I tell you you just didn’t do it for me. This thing was super toasty, crispy and had a great texture to it, but there was something that was just missing. It was a bit bland and for some reason I had a desire to cover it in honey or maple syrup. Maybe I will carry a little bottle in my purse for next time. 🙂

The Social List left me very content and satisfied this go around. I still don’t really understand their concept and the aesthetic is a bit weird and confusing to me, but I will just go in on Wednesdays when they have 1/2 off bottles of wine so I can drink and forget about it. So glad that they added some drink specials! Now where are the food specials? That is when we can start getting really real…this place is a bit too pricey for my budget and I would love some serious happy hour options. Toast sampler? Smaller plate of patatas? With all their small plate options the potential is endless! Please, please, help this poor foodie out. Otherwise, see you in a few months.

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IMG_4657Liquid Gold

Where: Fourth Streets Retro Row; 2105 E 4th St Long Beach, Ca

Grub: “Old World European Tavern Food” Tapas-style

Visiting Hours: Lunch & Din Din

Musts: Liquid Gold, Mejillones con Jamon Serrano, Patatas Bravas & any wurst 😉

Website: http://thesociallistlb.com

IG: thesociallistlb

It is a love-hate relationship that I have with the Social List because they have a solid spot and some good eats, but are plagued by a confusing theme and lackluster service. It is a far fetched idea, not to mention contradictory, to tie in socialism with a social list.  They embrace the motto “food for the people” and a communal-like atmosphere, where food is meant to be shared, while at the same time playing with the idea of “being part of the in-crowd ” or on “the social list.” I don’t know. I just don’t get it. After working on the execution of the theme, (and ditching the horrible red star) we could get somewhere because my mouth waters for some of their unique dishes you can share with close friends…not to mention their big open windows and alluring atmosphere make it hard to resist. On to the food!

IMG_4654Bratwurst with Patatas Bravas

The food here is just different. They use high quality ingredients from local producers, keep it pretty simple and it works. They offer eats that you definitely couldn’t find anywhere else in the area, which gives it a lot of appeal. It is alluring, enticing and you can only walk by it so many times before you have to take a chance. I could really go for some patatas bravas and a wurst right now! Their potatoes are perfectly fried, doused in their spicy bravas sauce and drizzled with garlic aioli–a hint of fresh dill to seal the deal. Genius. The wursts come in different flavors depending on availability, but are all epic; local, fresh and juicy! Talk about a perfect cheat. Eat it…all of it, and get an awesome beer to go with it (or wine if you’re me). They really did this one right.

IMG_4653Mejillones con Jamon Serrano

Save some room for these guys. The show stopper! New Zealand Mussels sautéed with Serrano Ham and banana peppers smothered in a garlicky white wine cream sauce. Don’t forget the thyme. They didn’t forget the carbs either…this lovely dish comes with some fresh bread to soak up your left over sauce. Of course. I am not complaining. This dish is a nice little spin on what could be a plain dish. I kinda want to drink the sauce. I really would.

IMG_4892 Kale Salad

For those of you not indulging, their kale salad is simple and light–red onions, chicken and barely drizzled with some kind of lemon sauce. I had no problem finishing this guy with a special Chilean. This place makes some awesome salads…but that’s a different blog.

IMG_4218Liquid Gold

Just in case you forgot about her, here is her closeup. The Liquid Gold is an absolute must for dessert. Smooth custard hides underneath thick caramel and whipped cream. It coats your tongue in the best way. I wish it could be permanent because it is perfect. It is NOT ok. Cheatday should be every day. EVERY damn day.

The great thing about this place is they often have special dishes based on available produce and local ingredients. I love that. Nothing is better than surprises. There is always a surprise here. New food is a good surprise, but bad service not so much. I would love to say that I was overwhelmed by hospitality from the servers, but their service was really sub-par. Is slow service part of the European vibe? Good food is good, but experience at the end of the day is what really keeps you coming back. Improvement is a must…this place needs to be celebrated!

The Social List is new and they are working out all the little kinks. At the end of the day, they have some serious potential! People are always there and I always look. I also often dream of her–LIQUID GOLD. I have high hopes for them and cannot wait to venture back for my 2nd Chop. We shall see how they fair the next time around. I really can’t wait to try more of their goodies. Who is coming with me?

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The Pike Restaurant and Bar: 1st CHOP


If you are from Long Beach and you have not been to this place then you really need to get it together and start living. I remember my first impression of this place. I ventured here years ago after a year abroad in Germany and it was quite the welcome home. There is just something SO perfect about the blue hue that permeates through the whole joint. Not to mention the walls that are littered with Long Beach and California memorabilia (all collected by the owner). In between all that, you will find band posters and hints of fish culture emerging from the oceanic themed walls. It is like Californian and maritime culture barfed all over the walls and it is there to stay. I am okay with that.

Chris Reece of Social Distortion owns the place. So if you do not understand the employees attitudes then maybe that will clue you in a bit. They are rough around the edges, but they get the job done. Embrace the punk rock attitude. You will get a stiff drink and you will get your food…without the bullshit. You may have to ask a few times to get what you want, but it will be worth it. I have really learned to love this place. Not only can I walk from my apartment (or stumble home), but I die for their fish and chips. They have after all been declared #1 in Long Beach according to Tim Grobaty of the Press Telegram: beer-battered, golden fried sole with thick cut steak fries and fresh coleslaw, served with a lemon wedge and homemade tarter sauce (you will need more sauce, get more sauce). Ugh, the fries! How does this look?


Just trust me on this one. Head into this place and go for a strong drink and the fish and chips. Chances are you will catch a band without even trying because they are there daily. If you can’t make it to the one in Long Beach then check out the second location that just opened up in Los Alamitos. Cheers to Reece for taking a rundown 50’s diner in 2003 and believing in the vision of retro row back when it looked more like skid row. Now, I could really go for a whiskey pickle back and some fish and chips…

Click here aggressively for all the deets: http://www.pikelongbeach.com/Home_Page.html

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